
Alcohol vs. Marijuana - Is the right substance legal?

    Mr. Pappy was a loving husband and worked a respectful job in a marketing firm. Pappy was a dedicated provider for his wife and himself, and they enjoyed a relatively carefree life. Pappy was a regular individual who ate, slept, worked, and pleased his wife when the time arose. His one downfall in the eyes of society, however, was his marijuana habit. Pappy enjoyed a taste of the devil reefer daily to ease his nerves and the creeping pain lingering from years of hard labor in his younger years. He indulged in this illegal activity in the privacy of his own home. After consuming the all natural plant grown by the devil himself, Pappy acquired some munchies and sat down with his wife and watched a 2 hour marathon of The Office. You know, the kind of activity that disrupts the neighborhood and should be punished with jail time.
    One dark, dreary night as Pappy and his wife were making their commute home from a weekend camping trip, Pappy was pulled over for speeding. This particular officer was packing a pot smoking terrorist's worst nightmare, an all black german shepherd. As the officer took Pappy's license and proof of insurance, the puppy of justice started barking and scratching at the trunk. With a stare that could have froze Medusa herself, the officer asked, "Whys my dog barkin' boy?" Pappy replied too swiftly with, " maybe because it is a dog, sir."  The amped up police officer went through the trunk of the car and found a bag filled with a whole 3 grams of the demon seed itself, marijuana. Handcuffs and a crowded jail cell were apart of Pappy's immediate future.
    After losing his job over the situation and having to resort back to hard labor to maintain the lifestyle his wife and himself have gotten use to, Pappy seized his marijuana smoking in fear of a repeat. But Pappy could not seize the bad nerves and the increasingly noticeable pains. He decided to start drinking the wonderful man-made alcohol a little every night to take the edge off his situation. Eventually Pappy's drinking went from a nightly endeavor to a daily habit. His loving wife tried to intervene in concern for her husband but received beatings in return. The man-made silly juice seeped into Pappy's core and morphed him from a level headed human being into a mindless zombie influenced solely by the next drink. Pappy went to jail soon after the altercation with his wife. Some concerned neighbors called the police and explained what they had seen. The police came to Pappy's home and seen the damage done to the place and the face of pappy's wife, and immediately hauled him back to jail.
    After being released from the big house, Pappy came home to an empty home and foreclosure notices. His wife had left him and he had lost another job. Pappy purchased another bottle of man-made heaven and began his final journey in life as a homeless entrepreneur.
    Both substances are mind altering drugs. Marijuana makes you lazy and less motivated while increasing your hunger level. Alcohol strips you of your balance and inhibitions while you hurl outside of the Waffle House. Alcohol, however is completely legal while weed is struggling to become legal just for medicinal uses only. Doesn't seem to make since; the substance with no medicinal value and destroys those who aren't careful is allowed to be advertised everywhere and sold next to bottle water legally, while a plant that was grown from the Earth and provides numerous uses in the medical field is considered evil and criminalized.
    You guys add your two cents to the subject in the comments section.


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